A Coordinated Bevy Are Bitches Not a Team

Warning: The language of this post is NSFW.

Women only, I mean only, act to enhance personal relative status. Any motive is to please is only to please authority. Keep that in mind before you whip out your penis. With the advent of culture, politics is organizational violence. As an oppressed Western man, most of which are white, you do NOT have the power of organizational violence. You do have the advantage of concrete presence, what the abstraction government can’t have everywhere and can’t do intimately well anywhere. Your authority is to take away your presence with whatever value that seems to be.

And if you understood me to say most white men are oppressed by the government, you are foolish in your illogical thinking. Freedom is not one-size-fits-all, and most Americans, even most white America men, are getting exactly what they deserve because they actively support their own government subjugation. Islam means peace through submission. The Arab definition of peace is universal submission. Most Westerners are sheeple who define security as universal submission. This is Hegelian dialectic. I don’t have an institutional or cultural dog in this fight, n’est pas.

The point of this post is that women are vapid as a feature not a bug. They fit the moment, and the moments in our lives are controlled at a large, crude granularity by the infinite payroll of the IMF tax farm masters. Women become Team Woman because they are not just told but shown that they have higher relative status by having higher status over men at large, the evil patriarchy. And when you consider how authoritatively impotent we are, we are effectively ‘evil’ to the reproductive instincts of women who require superlative male authority. The best you can do is control yourself as far as you can get away with it. If you can leverage voluntary female submission, i.e.desire to compliantly please, for mutually beneficial sex, that’s success. Sexually next the recalcitrant without looking back, but there is no need to advertise your goals and motivations. Nexting could save your life, whether all in one shot or in substantial chunks. Keeping private your incongruence with narrative conformity could as well, but men are by nature required to achieve. That is impossible to do very much without at least some evidence of success being very public. Let sheeple interpret nebulous evidence as attractive masculine mystique.

So consider the 20+ rape allegations against Bill Cosby. Here is a man that worked hard to (try to) help black Americans pick themselves up and act human. They said, “ no!” I recall his message to black America to fucking cook chicken from the grocery store all by themselves, maybe even after getting the food stamps to buy it. Pathetic.

He gave the Pound Cake speech in 2004: “It’s standing on the corner. It can’t speak English. It doesn’t want to speak English. It’s—I can’t even talk the way these people talk.” Bill Cosby was describing people not like him. He was describing niggers. This account could easily be revoked to silence my resistance to our subjugation, but I say niggers anyway. Bill Cosby is not one, nor a pied piper of niggers like Al Sharpton is.

Bill Cosby more lately, it seems per the video next (2:53), said, “Why? Because we’re killing ourselves. Why? Because we’re making fools of ourselves. Why? ‘Cause we call up radio stations and say their putting out dirty laundry. What the hell are you talking about?”

Nothing is more important to sheeple and their masters than relative control over all other people. In practice that is image control, narrative control, sheeple empathy sources control.

I know nothing of the specific charges against Mr. Cosby regarding alleged rape by 20+ women, but I don’t fucking need to. It is 20+ fucking women all at once. They smell blood money and they smell blood attention and they smell blood status. They are parasitic bitches because that is what establishment authority wants to reward and to make them do.

This Team Woman against Bill Cosby is a social construct with zero biological necessity. Bill Cosby simply has less authority than his adversaries, and nobody women feeling inferior are now mobilized to stop Cosby’s message, to take him out of a position of authority and influence. Let his example be a warning to you about ‘doing the right thing.’ Do not cast pearls before swine.

You would be wise to not share your business with your ‘friends’, with apparent people. Sheeple can never be your friend unless the cohesive narrative of whatever superlative authority is your marker of freedom.

I image Bill Cosby fucked a ton of women if he wanted to. There is no way he needed to drug women or to rape women to get sex. He is fucking Bill Cosby. He has way more sense than sheeple, which is to say more than most ‘people’.

He made a joke that was a joke but not reported that way in the media. He is accused of drugging women for sex! This past Thursday he was doing stand-up in Canada. A lady gets up to go. He asks where she is going. She says she is getting a drink and asks if he would like one. He said, “You have to be careful about drinking around me.”

Funny or not, Bill Cosby has a right to defend himself against predatory female opportunism, and to make a public point about it at his own stand-up performance. Bill has to think twice about drinking and having sex at the same time, and any appearances that could bolster false rape charges and cost him a legal fight. A free country?

I want you to practice Game in the field. I want you to practice narrative framing. You may need it someday. What I think Bill Cosby needs to do, what would have been ideal for Julien Blanc to do (not that he should have been pushing women to his crotch on video), is go on media trial and reframe the narrative to embarrass the people who question and accuse him. Always question the questioner when you feel that delivery of packaged public shaming you are enticed to open. Fuck those people right away!

Sheeple are a very important force of nature right now, and they will continue to be so until this plague infestation of them is relieved. I will be cheering on mother nature when I see it happen.

Just remember that women are out for their individualistic, obsessively selfish selves. Manginas approximate female thinking as it appears to be to them. They will sacrifice themselves at times, but all sheeple are both natural predators and natural prey. To them it is normal socializing. There is no Team Woman without a pied piper of organizational violence playing the tune of relative status by blood. If you can’t neutralize the piper, which is not generally practical (so avoid conflicts and let mother nature work her magic), you can perhaps change the tune by piping yourself. There is no Team Woman in female instincts. It is only opportunistic role playing for women’s instincts.

Pussy is politics. Without power, a man does not deserve pussy. It’s natural law. What Julien Blanc was doing when he pushed women’s heads at his crotch was a display of political power not of seduction. As men we are trying to figure out what power our masculinity has. I think Julien was caught up in the realization that he did have the power to treat women that way. He sure did not realize the potential consequences until they became actual consequences, which suggests inexperience.

As you try to find power as a man, remember that women are not a team without the evil music and message of masta. You have authority in that you have the power to provide emotional husbandry to women who are starving for it. Charge dearly like a Jew among goyim. Be a friend to yourself first, and never at any point to sheeple, unless you are a sheeple. This is the Decline. Do not give friendship credits away because debt slaves are no good to ever repay you in positive value. Take only cash and pussy up front, and don’t invite sheeple strength with civilized kindness. Sheeple consider freely given kindness to be contemptible weakness.

Don’t be human; be supersheeple.

—‘Reality’ Doug, 10 January 2015

About ‘Reality’ Doug

I'm feed up with herd people, so civil and uncivilized, these feckless barbarians with manicures. Where is Galt's Gulch? and where are the people to go there? Who am I? Who is John Galt?
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